World Sleep Day, March 15, 2024, Sleep Equity for Global Health.

World Nacolepsy Day

Just a quick post to let everyone know that today I am celebrating World Narcolepsy Day by sharing stories from people who are Living With Narcolepsy, to Raise Narcolepsy Awareness. If you would like to watch the videos please go to my Waking Up Tired Facebook page where you will also be able to shareContinue reading “World Nacolepsy Day”


I have been very busy putting together slideshows to Raise Narcolepsy Awareness for this years World Narcolepsy Day. The slideshows are a brief snippet about what it is like to be Living With Narcolepsy in Australia. I invited people who Live With Narcolepsy to answer a few questions, and have put their responses into slideshowContinue reading “LIVING WITH NARCOLEPSY IN AUSTRALIA”

Sharing Our Stories To Raise Awareness

Being diagnosed at the age of 49 to me meant that I had already lost the majority of my life and therefore I was determined to find the best possible way to get through my remaining years as a person who is ‘Living with Narcolepsy’ the best way that I possibly can.

The Underground Railroad

Please help me to raise awareness on World Narcolepsy Day, September 22nd, by streaming this song on your preferred streaming service, and or purchase this single, request it to be played on the radio.

Today is World Narcolepsy Day

The difficulty in being diagnosed with this rare disease is why so many people go undiagnosed for many year’s. I believe that not only should doctor’s receive training in sleep disorders, teacher’s should too! If a teacher was aware of what to look for, they may be able to help a student to get diagnosedContinue reading “Today is World Narcolepsy Day”

World Narcolepsy Day 2021

World Narcolepsy Day is only 11 days away, on September 22nd. Narcolepsy is a Rare Disease that affects 1 in 2,000 In the US or 3 million worldwide! It is a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to control the sleep AND wake cycles, and there is no cure. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness is theContinue reading “World Narcolepsy Day 2021”

Don’t Give Up

It saddens me to read younger narcoleptics posts in social media at times as I find that many are questioning their future as though having this chronic disorder is some kind of death sentence. Yes receiving an education is going to be a battle, I slept through most of my high school years, but itContinue reading “Don’t Give Up”

The Importance of Sleep

If you think that cutting back on sleep won’t affect you then think again. Fatigue played a considerable role during the 70s and 80s in some of the worst preventable disasters the world has ever seen. Investigations revealed that sleep deprivation was a significant factor in the 1979 nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, asContinue reading “The Importance of Sleep”